Articles Posted in Resources

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Missouri Children’s Burn Camp:


This camp is for children ages 6-17 who have been hospitalized for burns. In this weeklong camp, campers will participate in biking, boating, swimming, horseback riding and many other outdoor activities. Survivors will have fun, learn, share their experience with others and know that they are not the only ones with the burn injury. Survivors will develop new skill, make new friends and will have an experience that will not be forgotten as their lives will be different after this camp.

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Central Virginia Burn Camp:


This camp was established in 1994 by the Charlottesville Professional Firefighters Association. Children between the ages of 7 and 17 can attend this camp and participate in various activities in a safe and a fun environment. The staff does their best to meet the physical, social and psychological needs of theses survivors. This camp gives firefighters who are part of the burn staff the opportunity to share their experience with these children. Since its inception firefighters from across the Commonwealth and numerous organizations have assisted in making the Central Virginia Burn Camp a success since.

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Louisiana Burn Camp:


This Camp is held in June every year at Camp Alabama in Choudrant, LA for Children ages 5 to 17 who have survived burn injuries. Many activities are practiced including fishing, arts & crafts, swimming, boating, canoeing, volleyball and much more. Campers enjoy air-conditioned cabins, pavilion, dining hall, playground, canoeing, swimming pool, and much more.

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Camp I-Thonka-Chi:

Texas- Dallas

This camp is sponsored by Parkland Memorial Hospital; the meaning of the camp is “a place that makes one strong or fearless, not afraid to face life”. Survivors in this camp participate in various activities which include fishing, canoeing, arts and crafts and much more. Adult burn survivors join the Parkland Burn Center staff to serve as volunteer counselors to the children. Participation by adult burn survivors provides role models who, in spite of similar injuries, have gone on to lead normal, productive lives. Children in this camp share with others burn survivors their experience and what they have gone through making them feel that they are not alone and that there is support.

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Texas Burn Survivors society- Camp David:

Texas-San Antonio

This camp is designed specifically for pediatric burn survivors aged 7 to 15 and is open to all survivors, regardless of ethnicity, language, or religious affiliation. In this camp which is a week of fun and adventure, children will gain self confidence and learn from others who have been through the same experience. With the help and support of the dedicated staff, these children will learn that nothing is impossible and that there is no limit to their potential. The camp also hosts Teen retreat twice a year which is a three day event, designed for young adults aged 15 to graduating high school senior. Survivors or children and siblings of burn survivors who have been impacted by the burn injury can attend this retreat and participate in various activities.

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Camp Janus:


This camp is held annually in which survivors aged 5-18 who sustained a burn injury will have fun and adventure. A multi-disciplinary team of professionals from a wide spectrum of the community staffs this camp. A positive therapeutic, recreational and educational experience will be provided by the team of volunteers for all campers. Children in this camp will have the opportunity to meet and socialize with other children as well as participating in many activities which will enhance their physical and psychological recovery.

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Wisconsin Alliance for Fire Safety: Burn Camp:


It’s a one week Summer camp for youth ages 7-17 who have endured a significant burn injury, in this camp these survivors will have fun, learn, make friends, and share their experience with other survivors. They will develop self esteem which will help them to cope with their life beyond their injuries. Activities in this camp include swimming, hiking, Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Rides, arts and crafts and much more.

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Gas leak is dangerous and may lead to serious consequences if an explosion happens. That’s why it’s important to react quickly if you smell gas. The following things are to be done when smelling gas:

  • Gas smells like a rotten egg.
  • If you are inside and smell gas, worn others who are inside and leave the area where you smell gas to an outside area.
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A burn injury is a traumatic experience for everyone, it doesn’t affect the person who was exposed to a burn injury alone but affects everyone around him/her. For children it’s even harder for them to adapt to their new life as their experience in life is limited. For parents, there are ways to deal with the child that will help both the child and the parents.

The parent of a burned child must be careful to take care of himself/herself so that you can continue to take care of their child. Children look up to their parents and the way they handle the situation will affect the child progress. Don’t force your child to do things that he/she doesn’t want to do. Try to set small goals, take one step at a time, as your child achieve these small goals, they will build confidence. Always encourage your child no matter how minor the thing he/she has done. Make your child feel independent. Your child has been exposed to a trauma and a regression in his behavior may be noticed such as wetting the bed in a previously trained child. You have to be patient it is expected after a burn injury to have changes in behavior. Don’t show guilt feelings and don’t treat your child as a victim. Engage in conversations with your child; try to understand how he /she feels and what is bothering them. Tell your child how you feel. Make your child feel that he/she is normal and encourage him/her to express their feelings and opinions. Show your child love and support. Contact your child’s teacher and make the school know what your child has gone through, this will help them to understand and help your child. Engage your child with children that have been exposed to similar experiences as they can learn from each other and help each other. These children can be found in burn camps and support groups. There are support groups for parents as well. If you think that you need help then seek the help of others as well as seeking help and advice from a proficiently qualified person.

This information is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice; it should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Call 911 for all medical emergencies.

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It’s a service of the World Burn Foundation. The World Burn Foundation is an international non-profit organization that has offices in several nations. The World Burn Foundation help survivors who have suffered severe burn trauma as well as assisting survivors get the services and support they require to help speed their recovery.

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