
The Burn Team (part II)

  • Speech and language therapists and pathologists: they help the patient with swallowing issues, they can help with vocal cord issues, and communication needs (if the patient can’t speak) and they can help teach the patient with a tracheotomy how to speak.
  • Respiratory therapist: they manage and administer oxygen, breathing treatments and other respiratory needs. If the patient’s injury is severe; the patient might need breathing assistance with the aid of mechanical ventilator (see mechanical ventilator part I, II).
  • Dietitian: the dietitian develops a nutrition plan for the patient to promote wound healing and minimize weight loss, (see nutrition and burn).
  • Psychologist or psychiatrist: their duty is to provide counseling and support to patients with psychiatric issues or psychological distress as a result of the burn injury.
  • Social workers: they offer help with practical concerns, benefits, financial and social issues, supportive counseling in the hospital and planning of discharge from the hospital. They also help identify helpful services in the community.
  • Child life specialists: they help children and their families. Their goal is to maintain a child’s development, emotional wellbeing, and the ability to cope with the illness, procedures, dressing changes and the stress associated with wound care. It is done through play, self expression and other forms of age appropriate therapy.
  • Pharmacist: they dispense and monitor the medication given to the patient and provide any information needed about their use and their side effects.
  • Case managers and discharge planners: they help with funding the services and equipments of the patient. They make sure that there is a smooth transition from the hospital to a home or to a rehabilitation center.
  • Ward clerk: involved in organizing the admission and discharge papers and direct phone calls to the patient.
  • Chaplains: they can help with the religious and spiritual needs of the patient and the family.
  • Translators: can be provided if needed by the patient or the family.

This information is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice; it should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Call 911 for all medical emergencies.