
Survivor Story

From the book I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry white.

Survivor X lost both of her parents when she was 23 in a flying accident. She suffered guilt feelings and couldn’t continue because of her depression. She decided to commit suicide by using a grenade but the grenade exploded while she was trying to slam it against her body. She didn’t die but both of her hands were blown off. While she was recovering, she was thinking of when she could try suicide again. One day an amputee visited her; the visitor told her that despite losing her hands; she can still achieve her dream. She was skeptical of what the visitor had told her but the visitor challenged her by asking her to tell him what her dream was. She wanted to be a photographer. The visitor helped her in researching the options that she has leading her to enroll in a photography class. With the help of friends, she was able to buy some photo equipments, and was off the antidepressants. She is pursuing her dream of becoming a professional photographer. She was able to achieve her dream because she let go of the past. The lesson learned: live the future and get moving.