Wisconsin Alliance for Fire Safety: Burn Camp: Wisconsin It’s a one week Summer camp for youth ages 7-17 who have endured a significant burn injury, in this camp these survivors will have fun, learn, make friends, and share their experience with other survivors. They will develop self esteem which will…
Burn Injury Resource Center
Flammable Clothing
They are clothing in which the materials that is made from can catch fire easily. Flammable clothing became public in the 1940s after an epidemic of children who sustained leg burns caused by the ignition of Gene Audry cowboy suits, these suits were highly flammable. Soon this was reinforced when…
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
CPR is an emergency life saving procedure consisting of timed compression of external chest wall with alternating mouth to mouth breathing. First you have to make sure that the scene is safe to help the victim and perform CPR. Determine whether the victim is responsive or not by tapping on…
What to Do if You Smell Gas
Gas leak is dangerous and may lead to serious consequences if an explosion happens. That’s why it’s important to react quickly if you smell gas. The following things are to be done when smelling gas: Gas smells like a rotten egg. If you are inside and smell gas, worn others…
Children’s Adjustment to Burn Injury
A burn injury is a traumatic experience for everyone, it doesn’t affect the person who was exposed to a burn injury alone but affects everyone around him/her. For children it’s even harder for them to adapt to their new life as their experience in life is limited. For parents, there…
Burn Survivors on Line
It’s a service of the World Burn Foundation. The World Burn Foundation is an international non-profit organization that has offices in several nations. The World Burn Foundation help survivors who have suffered severe burn trauma as well as assisting survivors get the services and support they require to help speed…
Survivor Story
From the book entitled “Severe Burns” by Andrew M. Munster, M.D. and the staff of Baltimore Regional Burn Center. According to survivor X, while he was at work, an accident happened that changed the course of his life; he was electrocuted and burned over 45 percent of his body. “Everybody…
Finger Lakes Regional Burn Association
Rochester This camp is a 4 day camp that is held annually at the end of August. Any child between the age of 6-16 who has been treated for a burn injury throughout New York State and Ontario, Canada can participate. This camp will give burn survivors the chance to…
Survivor Story
From the book I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry white. Survivor X lost both of her parents when she was 23 in a flying accident. She suffered guilt feelings and couldn’t continue because of her depression. She decided to commit suicide by using a grenade but the grenade exploded…
The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors
Alan Breslau is the founder of this society; he is a burn survivor himself who was exposed to extensive burns in a commercial airliner crash in 1963. He officially incorporated the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors in 1977 after many years of work with burn survivors. This society provides valuable…