A central venous line (central line, central venous catheter) is a long, thin, soft plastic tube that is introduced through a small cut in the skin into a large vein in the neck (internal jugular vein), arm ( arm vein), chest (subclavian vein) or groin (femoral vein). It is used…
Burn Injury Resource Center
Scar Massage
As the burn wound heals a scar will form. A scar is a fibrous tissue that will replace the normal tissue that was damaged by the burn injury. Depending on the severity of the injury a hypertrophic scar may form. Scar massage can be used in the treatment of a…
The Effect of Burns on the Kidneys
One of the life threatening complications of severe burns is acute renal (kidney) failure (ARF). ARF is a sudden loss of the kidney’s ability to excrete waste, concentrate urine and conserve electrolytes. According to a study done in Helsinki burn Center between 1988 and 2001, the mortality of ICU patients…
Survivor Story
In April of 1984, Jerry White, lost his right leg in a landmine accident, he outlines in his book “I Will Not Be Broken” five steps to cope with disasters and achieve strength and hope. You have to face the facts: a person must accept the facts and the reality…
Face Facts
From the book “I Will Not Be Broken” by Jerry White Survivor X was setting into his new work as an aid worker in Rwanda. His team was held hostage and shot by insurgent. He was the only one who survived after losing three of his colleagues. In order to…
Camp Phoenix
445 E 69th St #319 New York, NY 10021, U.S.A. 212-746-3390 The mission of Camp Phoenix is to help pediatric burn survivors and their siblings. In this camp the campers will share their experiences and stories and will have a network of support that can help one and other. It’s…
Iron Burns in Young Children
Contact burns are common in young children. young children have the curiosity to explore things, they can get iron burns. Common causes of burns include leaving a child unattended while leaving a hot cloth iron or hair iron to cool. It is also possible for adult using a cloth iron…
My name is Dashanda and I am a burn survivor (Part Six)
At home the memories of the kitchen would haunt me every time I walked by the kitchen. For months I would lean to one side when I walked because it would hurt to walk straight. I was afraid of taking showers and I was also afraid of hot water. I…
My name is Dashanda and I am a burn survivor (Part Five)
When I got home I had to get use to being there. I needed my mother to change my bandages. I attended a barbeque with friends down stairs from my grandmother house. I didn’t stay very long because my back was hurting me. My shirt was stuck to my back…
My name is Dashanda and I am a burn survivor (Part Four)
The surgery was for a skin graft where I had 3rd degree burns. In surgery the doctors used a metal medical object so that they could peel the skin off from a healthy part of my body. Then the graft would be placed on the part of my body that…