Hospital acquired infection (HAI) is an infection that is acquired when the patient is admitted to a hospital or a health care facility for any reason other than that infection. The infection should not have been present or incubating prior to the patient’s being admitted to the hospital. Sites of…
Burn Injury Resource Center
Third Degree Burn Infection in the ICU
Treatment of severe burns is still one of the challenging issues for physicians and necessitates the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team due to the magnitude of the injury. Many patients with serious burns require ICU admission for their management in order to minimize morbidity and mortality. Despite the modern advances…
Burns in Patients With Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease with an increasing incidence worldwide including the US. It is expected to reach 15/1000 in the United States by the year 2050. Most burns in patients with diabetes are due to contact with hot objects or scalds. Patients with diabetes especially if uncontrolled are…
Third Degree Burns and Bedsores
Bedsores or bed ulcers are areas of ulcerated or damaged skin that happens when the skin and underlying tissue over a bony prominence is compressed between that bony prominence and an external surface for a prolonged period of time, the unrelieved pressure on the skin and underlying tissue will lead…
Complications of Third Degree Burns (Part II)
Compartment Syndrome: A compartment is defined as a closed space of nerves, muscle tissue and blood vessels. This space is surrounded by fascia (thick layer of tissue) that doesn’t stretch. When the pressure inside the compartment increases from any cause and if the pressure increases substantially, this may lead to…
Complications of Third Degree Burns (Part I)
Third degree burns are burns that causes injury to all layers of the skin (epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue), it may also damage the muscles and bones. These burns are serious and may result in extensive scarring as well as other injuries and limitations. Third degree burns are vulnerable for many complications,…
The Emotional Impact of Burns on the Patient
During the recovery process, burned patient begins to heal both physically and emotionally. Some patients and depending on the severity of the burn injury (second and third degree burns) will go through painful procedures and treatments and start to be aware of the impact of the injury and how their…
Second Degree Burns and Nutritional Support
Nutritional support is considered as a critical component in the treatment and wound healing of patients suffering from burn injuries (second and third degree burns). The aim of the nutritional support is to provide enough nutrients and supplements either enteral (feeding using the gastrointestinal tract such as oral or feeding…
What Causes Itching in a Burned Patient and How to Treat it (Part II)
Treatment may not stop itching completely but help in decreasing the severity of itching. Some patients may need more than one treatment option depending on the intensity of itching and the quality of life affected. Your treating physician or care provider will determine the best treatment for you. Treatment may…
What Causes Itching in a Burned Patient and How to Treat it (Part I)
Itching is the feeling or sensation that leads to the desire to scratch. Itching is a normal part of the healing process and most patients recovering from burn injuries experience itching at some point during their recovery. The itching sensation happens due to the activation of sensory neurons that have…