
Articles Posted in Resources


A Terrible Story That Offers Lessons in Fire Safety

In addition to the tragic shopping-mall and nightclub fires I detailed in my last blog entry on April 11, this next story should be a lesson to anyone about thinking of fire safety wherever you are. When at home, you simply must check all possible means of escape on a…


A Hot Debate About Fire Sprinklers in Homes and Condos

An article written for the Associated Press this past week covered a topic that every head of a household should know something about: A regulation calling for homes built after January 1, 2011 to install fire sprinklers. This rule in some areas has ignited a fight around the country between…


Real-World Lessons for Preventing Home Fires, Severe Burns, and Smoke Inhalation

Here are three items that were in the news last week that provide good lessons for anyone–but especially families–as they examine their home for fire hazards, and also to make sure their fire-escape plans are known by everyone in the family. First, New York city fire officials say a lumbering…


Alarming News About the Effectiveness of Smoke Detectors

Researchers at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia conducted a study among school-age children to see how effective a smoke detector was in waking them up in the event of fire. Unfortunately, the results were frightening, and a serious wake-up call for parents, firefighters, and to fire-safety educators alike. The study,…


Smoking in Bed: Some People Don’t Learn Until They Are Burned

On March 20, the Chicago Sun Times reported that two people were injured when a fire started in an apartment at a Chicago Housing Authority senior citizens building. One person suffered minor smoke inhalation, but an elderly man suffered second- and third-degree burns, all because of a cigarette that touched…


Here’s Another Good Source for Preventing Fires and Third-Degree Burns at Home

While we writers on this blog always try to give useful lessons on everything from preventing second- and third-degree burns, smoke inhalation, and other injuries that come from fires, hot liquids, hot surfaces, and even the sun, we sometimes come across other really good sources of information that we want…


Smoke Alarms Can Prevent Death from Third-Degree Burns or Smoke Inhalation

Two deadly fires in the past week are perfect examples of why working smoke detectors are literally life-saving items that every home or apartment should have. First, a fire in a high-rise apartment building in Philadelphia left two firefighters hospitalized, one in serious condition. The fire department responded to the…