After a burn injury, the body tries to repair and heal the damaged skin by forming new tissue as part of the natural healing process. Collagen which is an important structural protein plays an important role in the healing process (Di Lullo et al, 2002). Collagen accumulates around the damaged…
Articles Posted in Medical
Taking Care of Your Burns and Keeping Them Clean
Burn injuries whether it is first degree, second degree or third degree are very common and can happen to anyone; they can be devastating and life changing. It is estimated that 11 million burned patients worldwide needed medical attention in 2004 and about 300,000 patients died as a result of…
Burns Affecting The Face
Facial burns can be very serious depending on the severity and the extent of the area involved. Facial burns can affect the epidermis, which is the first layer of the skin or can be deeper, affecting the dermis which is the second layer of the skin. From 2009-2013, more than…
Tap Water and Scald Burns (part III)
One of the most common causes of burn injuries is scald injury. Hot water scalds is a common cause of scald injury in which a short exposure time can result in severe burns depending on the water temperature. Most scald burns happen in the home from exposure to hot water…
Tap Water and Scald Burns (part II)
Hot water scalds can cause severe burn injuries leading to lengthy hospital stay that may result in scaring and permanent disfigurement or even death. As the majority of these scalds injuries happen at home it’s important to follow certian measures that may prevent these types of burn injuries which are…
Tap Water and Scald Burns (part I)
One of the most common causes of burn injuries is scald injury. Hot water scalds is a common cause of scald injury in which a short exposure time can result in severe burns depending on the water temperature. Most scald burns happen in the home from exposure to hot water…
Severe Burns and Cellulitis (Part II)
Predisposing factors: Burns (second degree and third degree burns). Skin diseases such as boils, eczema and psoriasis. Weak immune system such as in AIDS and patients using immunosuppressive drugs. Diabetes. (feet burns in diabetic patients) Old age. Diseases affecting the circulation of blood to the lower limbs such as varicose…
Severe Burns and Cellulitis (Part I)
The skin is the first line of defense against infection, it is composed of three layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue layer (see the skin). Infection is the leading cause of death among hospitalized patients with burns. Normally the surface of the skin contains a mixture of…
Physical Therapy and Third Degree Burns
The aim of physical therapy is to improve the movement and function of the affected area and to prevent and minimize scarring (hypertrophic, Keloid) as much as possible. Once the patient has sustained a burn injury such as a second or a third degree burn, the rehabilitation phase should begin…
Pressure Ulcers (Part II)
Treatment: Treatment of pressure ulcer starts by identifying and managing the underlying cause. Relieving pressure by changing position and using pressure relieving mattresses or cushion is important for healing. The treatment of a pressure ulcer depends on the stage of the ulcer. When the skin is intact, removing the pressure…