When the frightening possibility of receiving a 3rd-degree burn enters into most people’s minds, they tend to think that such a severe burn can only be gotten from having a flame touch the skin for several seconds or more. But the possibility of getting a burn that penetrates and does…
Articles Posted in Medical
Accommodating Workers With Burns (partII)
Psychological issues that burn patients may deal with may include anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Employers and supervisors can provide support to the burn victims by: Written job instruction provision. Positive praise and reinforcement. Long term and short term goals establishment. Developing good strategies to deal with problems…
Fast Treatment of Smoke Inhalation Critical to Recovery
In a small town in England last week, a man was saved from his burning car by firefighters. But it was the fimmediate action of paramedics in getting the man fitted with an oxygen mask and breathing pure oxygen that just as likely saved his life too. The man, who…
Smoke Detectors / Smoke Alarms Prevent Deadly Smoke Inhalation–if They’re Working
In one of my posts last week, I mentioned a fatal fire that started because an extension cord had shorted out and set fire to clothes that were laying on top of it. This is a very preventable type of fire–but it can be prevented only when people living in…
Accommodating Workers With Burns (part I)
Accommodating an employee with burn injuries returning to work depends on many factors which include the total body surface area involved in the burn, the extent of the burn, the degree of the scaring that affected the patient and the limitations that resulted because of these scars. (see preventing and…
Scald Burns in Restaurant Workers (part II)
What employers can do to reduce the risk of scaled burn injury: Place microwaves at a safe height within easy reach for all users to avoid spills. The face of the person using the microwave should always be higher than the front of the door. Provide splash screens for frying…
Putting Out Fires Yourself: A Recipe for Third-Degree Burns
In my previous post two days ago, I wrote about the need to be aware of fire hazards not just inside your home, but surrounding your home as well. The reason: Careless neighbors can cause a fire that spreads to where you live too. Such a situation nearly happened to…
Scald Burns in Restaurant Workers (part I)
Scaled burns are one of the most common causes of burns in restaurants. They occur when the skin comes into contact with hot liquids or steam. Scalds with hot oil are generally more severe than those from hot water because oil heats to higher temperatures than water and oil is…
Work Related Burn injuries in fast food restaurants to youth and how to prevent them
Chemical Peels
Are chemical solutions that are used to slough off and peel off the damaged outer layer to improve and smooth the texture of facial skin. Chemical peels can be used for facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. It can also be used to remove precancerous skin growth and soften…