Articles Posted in Medical


Lawsuit Filed for Deadly House Fire; Father Claims City Has Legal Liability for Failing to Check for Smoke Alarms

Last week in New Haven CT, the father of three young girls killed in a Christmas morning house fire filed a lawsuit, accusing the city of Stamford of allowing the house to become a fire trap by failing to properly oversee construction. Richard Emery, attorney for Matthew Badger, confirmed that…


Movie Studio Burns Next to Homes. Is There Legal Liability if Residents Suffered Severe Burns or Smoke Inhalation?

In early May, a large building at the Atlanta studio complex of filmmaker Tyler Perry caught fire, sending flames into the night sky. The blaze began shortly before 9 p.m. on a weekday inside the studio and burned fully through the building’s exterior surface. “The building was all in flames,”…


Broken Door Traps Family Inside Rental Apartment During Kitchen Fire. Does the Building Have Legal Liability?

On May 4, 2012, New York City police rescued five people, including a baby boy and another child, who were trapped in a smoky kitchen fire in Rockaway Beach, NY because they could not open a jammed apartment door. A police sergeant on another call spotted a 21-year-old man leaning…


Girl Suffers Severe Burns from Electrical Transformer. Is There Legal Liability for Her Injury?

In Vestavia Hills, Alabama this week, a six-year-old girl suffered second degree burns and third degree burns when she came in contact with an electrical transformer that powered the lighting at a large athletic complex. The girl was at the athletic complex to watch her older brother play soccer. But…


Basement Fire in House Due to Flammable Materials Causes Smoke Inhalation and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

In Arlington Heights, IL last week, a man was burned in his own home and a firefighter was injured when he responded to the fire–a fire that started from careless use of flammable materials inside the home. The man was able to escape his smoke-filled basement after chemical fumes exploded…


Propane Tank Explodes, Causes Severe Burns to One Person

In Coachella, CA this week, a driver suffered severe burns when propane tanks in the back of his pickup truck exploded while he waited with his family in a drive-through at a McDonald’s restaurant. It was about 1:45 p.m. on a Saturday when the man heard a hissing noise coming…


Septic Shock and Third Degree Burns (part II)

Diagnosis of septic shock: History and physical exam. Observing characteristic symptoms. Tests including blood tests, blood cultures ( may not become positive for several days after the blood has been taken), urine, sputum and spinal fluid test, organ function tests, X-ray, CT scan and others. Treatment of septic shock: Septic…


Huge Workplace Fire at Oil Company Creates Possibility of Dangerous Smoke Inhalation for Miles

In Pike Township, Ohio, last week, firefighters from dozens of departments needed six hours to get control of a massive fire at an oil company. The damage from the fire, smoke, and hazardous materials that leaked will require an extensive environmental cleanup in the area. More than 50 agencies responded…


Hydrogen Cyanide Plays a Large Role in Fire Deaths from Smoke Inhalation

A recent article in the trade publication EMS World discussed how the newer materials being used in home construction are actually making the homes more dangerous in the event of a house fire. And it is not the flames that make fires in new and recently built homes so dangerous,…